"I have gone through some of your Articles on net. These are very inspiring and motivating. Thanks a lot Dr. Carolyn! Your advice means a lot to me. I used to take print out of your mails and keep them with me while I am at home and read it many times. I get inspiration and feel good whenever I read it. Thank you!"
"Anyone who desires to Connect to their Angels for messages of empowerment and unconditional love would be amazed with the way Dr. Carolyn delivers their guidance. Over the past 10 years she helped me connect to my angels and has given me insight from the higher realms."
"Hi Dr. Porter! Thanks you so much for the GREAT articles on Adrenal Fatigue. Your article tonight was right on and I so appreciate it. I will also pass out the information to all my patients via email, mail and office handout, if you don't mind. Thank you for sharing this info. You are making a big difference and saving lives!"
"This training - Life Skills Coaching Training - truly met my expectations. I did not want to come, sit down and be lectured to receive an outline and leave. What I did get was well thought out curriculum, interaction, demonstration and meeting like-minded wonderful people and loving spirits. I am so appreciative and grateful for the experience. This training was not just for learning how to coach and help others, but a life skill that I can use the tools for my own personal life."
"Carolyn Porter has added another winner to her growing list of powerful and inspiring books. Seven Roads to Glory is a must read as it illustrates through 7 authentic stories how each of us has the power to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles through love, grace, wisdom and a strong sense of self. I was hooked from the first page as Harry recounts his journey - one that landed him in a wheelchair after stopping to help a stranded motorist. Carolyn's book triumphantly celebrates our individual choice and power to become the victor instead of the victim when life takes an unexpected turn."
"Carolyn has taught me practical, effective ways that really work to send my requests to Spirit/Divine/Angels and receive answers, and to incorporate this into a busy lifestyle. I'm enjoying having greater clarity, and I feel like I can connect better! I'm noticing my divine guidance more and more."
"If people could only embrace Carolyn's Messages here, the world would change. But maybe it isn't the world that needs to embrace it; maybe it is only you that needs to. And that is Carolyn's deepest message; your world is a result of your beliefs and attitudes. When you change from fear of the world to loving it, you are less threatened by it, and others are less threatened by you. You may become a 'source' of energy and positivity, which only attracts more of the same. Make no mistake, in the world crisis we are in, there are many thriving, growing and fulfilling themselves. You can be sure that these individuals are not doing so in a state of fear. Remember, IF IT IS TO BE, IT IS UP TO ME! Thank you Carolyn for setting the record straight."
"I had wanted to take the Coaching Training from Carolyn for some time, but since I live in Canada it was impossible for me to go to her. I was excited to learn she was offering it one-on-one over the phone so I could take it. I wondered if something would get lost using the phone, but I discovered it was even better this way since I had her undivided attention and it was fine-tuned just for me. I took the coaching training and since it went so well I took the Angel Love training a month later. Carolyn's courses are refreshingly filled with what you need to know along with a dose of understanding, support and encouragement to help you; she was wonderfully inspiring. I went from feeling very stuck to feeling very empowered and excited to take my next step."
"What I love about Carolyn's book Healing with Color is seeing the vibrancy and brightness of these colors right in front of me. I believe you'll feel the same way when you view it. It certainly makes it so much easier to connect with the colors and the angelic realm without having to envision the color in your mind, which makes it easier to understand what is being shared with you. You have color therapy right in your hands with this book!
The thought behind this book that the angels gave to Dr. Porter, is to help you feel again. Busy schedules and the drive to acquire worldly possessions and accolades often pull us away from feeling and knowing who we are and why we are here. Color is sensuous and evokes feelings, so the angels chose these colors and the feelings associated with them to remind us of our inborn power and love, and our Magnificence!"
"The Life Skills Certified Trainer Program was a comprehensive training to provide a life coach the tools to train other coaches and healers. Dr. Carolyn graciously gave of herself and provided a printed manual that is full of heart and practical demonstrations. It provides direction and guidance, and I am grateful I invested in it."
"I was talked into taking your Coaching Training although I doubted I would gain anything. Boy was I wrong! You showed me things in a way that I would never have thought of and you kept my interest the entire training. This training far surpassed anything I imagined. So well done and informative with a spiritual approach."
"I knew I needed help to get unstuck in my life, so when my friend mentioned you (she had already seen you with success) and that I could stay with her, I decided to book a Session in person, then follow up via phone if it felt good. You helped me so much - more than I could have imagined - and now I feel happier about living in general and moving into a new direction per our discussion and the two follow-up sessions. Your insight amazed me, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!"
"I have read “Angel Love”. Your daughter did a beautiful job in her illustrations of the Angels…I loved them. I wouldn’t mind having some of them as framed pictures. You write beautifully. I really loved the book so much that I would like to set up an Angel Session with you…I will contact you. I have a stack of spiritual books in my library that I have found very hard to get into, but yours brought me in. I am in the middle of reading “Realness of a Woman” now - very powerful stuff and I caught myself nodding my head a lot saying to myself ‘so true, so true’. I am anxious to finish the rest of the book. I also love the blooming rose on each page. Thank you so much for giving these words to your readers."
"Dear Dr. Carolyn Porter…I stumbled on your website the other night when I was unable to sleep, which happens a lot. I want to thank you for all the valuable information on your site! The articles on Adrenal Fatigue hit home and I realized that is why I’ve been suffering for so long. It’s been debilitating for me. I have always been very energetic, fun-loving and a hard-working person, so this struggling I’m going through really has gotten me down. But you’ve given me hope and I’m going to seek out a doctor who can help me get my issues healed. Thank you for giving me hope and knowing I’m not alone!"
"Rev. Dr. Carolyn Porter – Your training to become a Certified Angel Practitioner was a wonderful experience providing me with positive insight and the necessary tools to assist me into tapping into my inner gifts of communicating with the angels. The training helped me to overcome all doubts and fears of my ability. I would highly recommend this training to all that have interest in communicating with the angels."
"Your Life Skills Coaching Training not only got me on the path for life coaching, but it has changed my life forever. So much I can use in my own life as well. Thank you! "
"I want to express all my gratitude and appreciation for all you so lovingly, generously and professionally shared with all of us in your Coaching Training. The whole training was very productive, interesting and fun. We really enjoyed learning from your wise experience. The course flowed very well and it was great to get all the powerful insights you gave us. It was really great for the interaction with all who were there. I thank God for the opportunity to have met you and learned so much from you, but especially to enjoy your loving, generous, caring spirit. My best wishes to you and many blessings."
"Your wisdom, knowledge and experiences enhance your sensitivity, kindness, compassion and caring…I do not have the words to tell you how grateful I am to you for the Session you worked in for me last Saturday. I do know that if I were so fortunate to have someone in my life like you earlier, how different my life would have been. Yet I do understand it was the way it was supposed to be, for I had lessons to learn. I am truly blessed to know you now and look forward to working with you further."
"Hello Carolyn…My healing Angel Session last week helped me so much and I felt compelled to write you and thank you again. I wondered how the session would be, but it was just as I hoped it would be, only better. I couldn’t believe someone could know so much about me without ever knowing me before. Well, that was a pivotal day that has changed me forever. You and the angels have done more for me than any medication or therapist has ever done. In one week my life has changed – I am a completely different person. Thank you so much for introducing me to the angels – you are a gift from above."
"Dear Carolyn…Thank you so much for helping me Connect to my Angels. I so needed them in my life but didn’t know how to have them come in. Our session was amazing, something I will never forget. You kept saying I needed to be open and willing to receive them, and I was definitely ready to connect with them. All the information you received from them and shared with me has helped me so much. I am going to purchase your books about angels and healing to further my knowledge. Thanks again for the blessing of knowing you."
"Dr. Porter…I’ve been reading things on your website and read about your own struggle with Adrenal Fatigue. I’m right there and was grateful for the information you shared in your articles. I’ve been in really bad shape, have been to various doctors and had some tests, but I’m not feeling they are helping me – they don’t seem to know much about it. Your information has given me a lot of hope and I’m going to begin implementing some of what you’ve shared. I’m hoping I can find a doctor who knows about Adrenal Fatigue. My wish is to be able to help others as you are doing, if and when I can ever heal from this. Thank you so much for giving your time and this information."
"You gave me so much information in our \Coaching Session that has helped me move beyond what I thought I could ever do. Yes, I know, I did the action steps, but you gave me the motivation to do them. I can't thank you enough for telling me like it is - being truthful with me. I almost cancelled my appointment with you, thinking it would be a let down. Boy am I glad my girlfriend said to come and just see. I'm looking forward to our follow-up session next week. Thank you so very much!"
This is a testimonial from back when I co-owned All About Health store with my eldest son, but was so impactful I wanted to share it. A customer had a friend in a bad place and asked me if I would talk to him. I agreed, and it became a nightly thing for a while, often for an hour. The issue was he was sick and emotionally distraught and wanted to take his life. I tried to get him to seek a counselor trained for this type need, but he said no, only me. It continued, but the calls became less frequent, then suddenly stopped. I was afraid I had failed and he did the unthinkable, but when his friend came to the store, he said he moved to TN with a family member who wanted to help him on his healing journey. Big time relief! Then one day a man walked into my store with a woman and here is our conversation: "Are you Carolyn?" I answered "Yes." "I'm John. I'm the man you talked to on the phone over a year ago. I had to come see you in person and thank you. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here right now; you saved my life." Realization hit me and it went all through me, how God had used me in a miraculous way to help this young man, even though I had no training for his need. He went on saying "I am doing well. I have a job now, and this is my girlfriend...my life looks so much better. I just wanted to say thank you."
Another testimonial coming...
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