It has been proven by doctors, scientists, and researchers, that at least 80% of society will experience adrenal fatigue at some time during their life. Your adrenals are the stress regulator for your entire body, and many different stressors can weaken your adrenals: diet, worry, long work hours, lack of or too much exercise, a busy family life, anger, past hurts, pain, illness, surgery - all are stressors on your body, and if remain over time, you experience some level of adrenal fatigue. Most doctors ignore the adrenal part of any health issue or illness. Understand that weak adrenals are also influenced by not just physical issues, but emotional, mental and spiritual issues. This was my journey, and this E-Book shares how I healed my adrenals even when doctors didn't address it, so you can find answers and solutions. 111 pages $2.95
Years ago, I became aware of so many toxic ingredients that are in food, beverages, vitamins, our environment, and in our homes. It isn't possible to avoid all these harmful chemicals since we live in this world, but it only made sense to me to avoid as many as possible, which led me to begin my researching. Between co-owning a health store for a decade and seeking the healthiest things for my own life, I learned much information that I share in this E-Book. So many are hidden ingredients too, which is why you need to know what certain ingredients really are. Saying something is natural is meaningless, and just buying an item from a health store or health grocery doesn't mean it is actually healthy. Knowledge is power, so this information gives you the power to make wiser choices. 65 pages $1.95
Everyone has a story and many thrive in the victim mindset. That isn't a favorable place to live, yet many live there, not knowing there is any other way to live. I was one of those who lived as a victim in many ways, and this created some unpleasant outcomes, not the ones I really wanted. Then one day some new information crossed my path, information that eventually changed my life and allowed me to become an entirely different person who actually enjoyed living my life as an empowered individual. I had become the victor as I left my old programming(story) behind, and this E-Book shares the things necessary to make such big changes in your life so you can also become the victor. 55 pages $1.25
Communication is core in our lives, in every relationship, and it is vitally important for people to understand how to communicate effectively so they receive the response they desire. So many relationships go awry due to poor communication - if they'd just known how to communicate well, much pain could have been avoided and relationships saved. Good communication skills are a powerful tool for everyone to have, and that creates a positive force of good in your life. In this E-Book you'll receive the tools you need to become a master communicator. 38 pages $1.45
Public speaking is often said to be the number one fear anyone can have, but even if something else is #1 for you, speaking is right up there as a top fear. It was for me! After two years of fighting the divine nudge I kept getting to learn to speak in front of an audience, I finally signed up for a training, but was shaking in my boots when I arrived for the training. Somehow I made it through and scheduled a seminar for two months later. I was so nervous, but as I continued to speak I noticed people were listening and taking notes, and I totally forgot my fear. I was sharing something they wanted to hear. Wanting more information for what makes a good speaker, I did research of top notch speakers so I could captivate my audience and keep them engaged. This E-Book shares many tools so you can become a dynamic speaker that people will want to listen to and learn from. As a speaker, you are basically an educator! 31 pages $1.45
Nature has all the answers for us if we simply listen. Nature is real and has a transformative power while it engages all our senses. When we tune into nature, we shift into a higher realm of consciousness and have a deeper understanding of all that is. This E-Book shares 13 stories from nature that profoundly share the innate wisdom, power, and beauty of nature, and thus, the omniscience, the omnipotence, and the unparalleled magnificence of God's own handiwork. 51 pages $1.25
This is a story of Faith and Belief - that the impossible can actually be possible! This story is based on the True Story of Elizabeth Burns, nicknamed Lizzy by her beloved dad, and how she came to understand that with envisioning, believing, and faith, she could create her dream into reality, which she did. She was amazed how everything she thought impossible, given her circumstances, came true for her in the most amazing way. Names, places and some facts have been changed to protect the character's identity. 60 pages $1.45
This is the second True Story in my Miracles happen E-Book Series. Names and places have been changed as well as some facts to protect the identity of the characters. This is a story of Tracy Conrad, a strong, likeable young woman who thought she had a pretty good life until everything turned upside down, and a huge basket of lemons was handed to her. Over time, she learned how to make lemonade! Her inspiring story, and how she created a new story, could be beneficial in your life or could help someone you love. 50 pages. $1.45
This is the True Story number three in my Miracles Happen E-Book Series. Names and places have been changed as have some facts to protect the identity of the characters. This is the store of Adam Mayfield, a star quarterback who became a beloved pastor of a fast-growing church, married to his high school sweetheart with two beautiful children, feeling he had everything he could ever dream of having, when suddenly, he lost it all. His story shares how it is possible to move through the unimaginable pain and devastation of loss such as his, yet create a new, fulfilling story in spite of the loss, gaining even more. All through his suffering and wondering why, he kept his faith in God, knowing God had his back even though the situation felt unbearable. 148 pages $1.95
So many of my clients have come for a session stating they want to find their soulmate. They had found themselves in an unhappy relationship or perhaps hadn't found that perfect someone yet, so they were hoping I could help in some way. Searching for my own soulmate more than 20 years ago, I learned something astonishing - that I was going about it completely wrong! I was actually searching for that soulmate rather than attracting him. This E-Book shares how you have to attract that guy or girl, and it totally worked for me! It has also worked many times for my clients over the years! 27 pages $1.25
This is a Course I created some years ago and which I taught to attendees many times. Because it is such powerful information, I was divinely guided to make it available through my website. It is in E-Book format so will be sent via email directly to you upon purchase. Living as an empowered individual is a most extraordinary way to live. You live free, without limitations, and can step into amazing possibilities that previously would have seemed impossible. You learn how to think differently since everything in your life experiences are the direct result of your thinking. This Course not only shares the characteristics of being empowered, but also gives you 13 powerful tools to create and enhance your empowered life, allowing you to have an extraordinary joyful life ! "Every thought is an investment that pays immediate dividends in your life experiences."
77 pages $4.95
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