and I can help you transform YOUR LIFE from mediocre to extraordinary!
Do you feel stuck in your life and want new direction? Are you looking for a new career? Are you experiencing relationship issues? Or do you just feel unhappy and perhaps lost? I've been there, but I learned how to change my old story and create a new life story that allowed me to experience Wellness so I could Thrive instead of just survive. I can help YOU create a new story for Your Life with my experience as an intuitive, health and wellness coach!
We become a TEAM working together so you can achieve Wellness.
What is wellness? Wellness is the holistic integration of the physical, mental, emotional & spiritual parts of you, which is a state of well-being with a high quality of life - this is true health in which you Thrive! My focus is helping you achieve that state of Thriving that enables you to live a joyful, balanced life, and to understand the power you have to make it happen! Worry, anxiety, sleepless nights, emotional pain - that was my story - but I searched for answers and found how to shift my energy, changing my thinking and behavior so I could create my new story in which I achieved Wellness, allowing me to Thrive!
I would be honored to help you! Call me today - 770-354-9285 - Or send me an email by clicking Contact at top of page.
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For 25+ years I have helped hundreds of individuals like yourself step out of their old story and create a new story, one they deserve to experience. Just as the caterpillar can change its story and become a beautiful flying free butterfly, you can change your story too! As a coach, I am simply a guide who can observe from the sidelines as you're living your life story, and can see different perspectives that you, in the midst of your story, cannot always see. As an intuitive coach, I am able to utilize the power, love and amazing guidance of the angelic realm.
Does your life feel empty, lacking meaning, like it's missing something? Do you sometimes feel lost, hopeless or just stuck? Is your heart heavy with hurts, pain and suffering? Is worry your middle name? Would you like to experience a deeper spiritual connection? Then look below for how you can transform your old story into a beautiful, balanced, happy, thriving new story of wellness!
* Individual Coaching Sessions just for you
* Individual Intuitive Angel Healing Sessions
* Certified Trainings to become a Coach, Angel Practitioner, or Trainer of coaches
* Bi-monthly Gatherings of In the Presence of Angels in person and on Zoom
---Details below---
People often find themselves in a place of needing guidance so they can see a different perspective. My goal is always to work with a client as a team with health and wellness coaching to help them achieve their desired outcome.
"Working with Dr. Porter has been extremely powerful for me. What started as health-related sessions turned int
People often find themselves in a place of needing guidance so they can see a different perspective. My goal is always to work with a client as a team with health and wellness coaching to help them achieve their desired outcome.
"Working with Dr. Porter has been extremely powerful for me. What started as health-related sessions turned into spiritual coaching. She has the gift of intuition and being able to quickly pinpoint the root issue. She is a healer and a gem to talk with. "- Julie Hry, Ontario Canada
This is a certified life coaching program to train individuals who are already a qualified coach and are working with clients, but wish to train people who would also like to become a life coach.
"This trainer program empowered me to assist others in setting goals, addressing emotional blocks and enjoying a positive, loving future. Thank you Carolyn!" - Nora Smith, Tampa, Fla
This class is bi-monthly - 2nd Tuesday in person and 4th Tuesday on Zoom and is called In the Presence of Angels. We briefly discuss some aspect of angels and each attendee receives a specific angelic message.
"I live close to Carolyn so have the opportunity to attend her gatherings twice a month. We always get timely helpful information
This class is bi-monthly - 2nd Tuesday in person and 4th Tuesday on Zoom and is called In the Presence of Angels. We briefly discuss some aspect of angels and each attendee receives a specific angelic message.
"I live close to Carolyn so have the opportunity to attend her gatherings twice a month. We always get timely helpful information from the angel channeling. She is very helpful with health related subjects also! It's a great way to enjoy the company of like-minded people. Thank you Carolyn!-CLH
Individual Angel Sessions are also available. Click Learn More for more information.
Written woman to woman, Carolyn opens the reader to her seeing her own value, her Magnificence! So often a woman gets lost in the busyness of her life, so it's time for them to know their worth. It's a love story - well worth the read - how to fall in love with yourself!
"When I read your book, I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. I realized for the first time in my life that I do have value just being me. This book has changed my life. Bless you Carolyn for writing it!" - DM, Georgia
Full color hard cover book that shares insights for connecting with the angels and how the angels work in people's lives. All the stories included in the book are true, and are amazing encounters and interventions with the angelic realm.
"If you are looking for a book about angels you will want to start your journey with Angel Love. It begins with a forward by Amy Oscar, who is editor of 'My Guardian Angel', a featured weekly in Woman's World Magazine. This book demonstrates that the angels are ALWAYS there for us." - Lisa
Full color, soft cover book. Healing with Color is magical - it's a gift from God. Color is sensuous, and affects every aspect of your life. There are 13 different colors, each with their own feeling, and because the colors are so powerful, they are often used in healing.
"I had apprehensions upon first reading your book Healing with Color since it didn't follow the color scheme of the chakras that I use in my practice. But I read it a second time, and I got it! I'm using this book along with the chakra colors. Thank you so much for sharing this! - Dr. DS
Listening to this CD will enable you to awaken to the power within you so that you can return to your origin of love through the feelings of the colors. You can feel the calmness and love descend into your being as you breathe in the music, colors and messages.
"As I listened to this meditation, it felt like heaven opened up and angels were literally embracing me with so much love, like they wrapped their wings around me. And the colors - something I never thought of before. Amazing! - Cynthia
Inside the pages of this book you'll find keys to creating the life you've always wanted, one extraordinary chapter at a time. Inspired by real life experiences of seven ordinary people like you, who overcame unbelievably difficult challenges, this offers a true roadmap for realizing the life you deserve and want.
"In times when people are facing difficult situations, it is refreshing to read a book like this about real people who overcame their difficulties and came out a victor. 7 Roads is specific and inspiring." - Joan Anderson, Chicago
All of my books were divinely guided and inspired, and are words all of us needed to hear, including myself. People say we write what we need to learn first!
Sadly, Harry O'Brien passed away during the Covid crisis in our country a few years ago. - his story was the reason I was guided to write Seven Roads to Glory. Harry helped me put together my audio entitled Healing with Color. He was an amazing person, especially given what he had to endure, always kind and loving to everyone. He was a joy to know, an inspiration, and his story needed to be told. He touched the lives of many just knowing him!
Adrenal Fatigue - its a term we hear spoken of much more frequently than in the past, but I wonder how many of you really know what it is and how it may be affecting your life and health? Whether or not you are aware of this condition and what it represents, it is a subtle undercurrent in multiple issues that you may experience and which could influence your life unfavorably as you travel life's journey. Your adrenals are your stress regulator for your entire body!...
I'm sure you've been told how important it is to practice forgiveness. You may have even been told that forgiveness is vital for healing, and you may even know that lack of forgiveness hurts you much more than the other person. But forgiveness is way more than this; it is priceless. Forgiveness may be one, if not the most important issue in your life. Dr. Alex Loyd, founder of the Healing Codes, states that in all the years he was lecturing and counseling he had never seen a significant health issue that didn't have an unforgiveness problem....
Have you ever worried about anything? Of course you have - everyone worries some time or another. However, what can become a big problem, is the person who is a habitual worrier. Worry causes stress, and we all know that stress creates a multitude of problems, often contributing to an illness. Many health professionals go as far as to say that stress is a killer, most likely due to the various imbalances in the body and mind, which if not corrected, can cause illness and even lead to death...
We become very mindful of love with the focus every year as February approaches, given the major marketing and advertising campaigns that permeate every retail establishment and many commercials as well. The simple reason is to entice you to spend money at their business to express love to those you love. The emphasis is always that these gestures - flowers, candy, lingerie, jewelry, cards, stuffed animals, dinner our or whatever perfect gift you purchase - are a necessity if you feel love for another person...
This topic is of great importance since most people do not realize fully or even at all how much power they have over their lives. You were born with incredible power, and that power is the power of choice. With this power you get to make any choice you wish, but you also will receive the result of that choice. Some people refer to this as karma, some cause and effect, and some say you reap what you sew. All are correct because they all represent how energy vibrations work...
People may tell you that angels reside in heaven with God and beings who have passed over. Others say they watch over children, or they sing and dance in heaven, stand ready to protect or warn us when needed, but we aren't aware of them. However, I've experienced angels in my life for many years now, and I can assure you that angels are around us every day and available for everyone, including you!...
Politics was never my 'thing' until recent years, but there is a lot at stake in our lives at this junction in American history so it was time for me, and perhaps many of you, to sit up and take notice. Our wonderful country is in a historic mire of economic devastation, terrorist invasions, political correctness, crime without consequences, with our constitutional rights and freedoms tossed to the wind without consideration for we the people...
It happened every Friday evening, almost without fail, when the sun resembled a giant orange and was starting to dip into the blue ocean. Old Ed came strolling along the beach to his favorite pier. Clutched in his bony hand was a bucket of shrimp. Ed would walk out to the end of the pier, where it seemed he almost had the world to himself. The glow of the sun was a golden bronze now. Everyone was gone except for a few joggers on the beach. Standing on the edge of the pier, Ed was alone with his thoughts...and his bucket of shrimp...
Most of you have heard references to energy healing, but perhaps you don't really know what it means or believe it is possible. So let's break it down for the purpose of easy understanding. Every living thing on this planet is composed of energy; it is what allows us to live. Energy is one's internal power, its vitality, inner force, vibration or force of expression...
"I have gone through some of your articles on net. These are very inspiring and motivating. Thanks a lot Dr. Carolyn! Your advice means a lot to me. I used to take print out of your mails and keep them with me while I am at home and read it many times. I get inspiration and feel good whenever I read it. Thank you!"
"Anyone who desires to connect to their angels for messages of empowerment and unconditional love would be amazed with the way Dr. Carolyn delivers their guidance. Over the past 10 years she helped me connect to my angels and has given me insight from the higher realms."
"Hi Dr. Porter! Thank you so much for the GREAT article on adrenal fatigue. Your article tonight was right on and I so appreciate it. I will also pass out the information to all my patients via email, mail and office handout, if you don't mind. Thank you for sharing this info. You are making a big difference and saving lives!"
"This training - Life Skills Coaching Training - truly met my expectations. I did not want to come, sit down and be lectured to receive an outline and leave. What I did get was a well thought out curriculum, interaction, demonstration and meeting like-minded wonderful people and loving spirits. I am so appreciative and grateful for the experience. This training was not just for learning how to coach and help others, but a life skill that I can use the tools for my own personal life."
"Carolyn Porter has added another winner to her growing list of powerful and inspiring books. Seven Roads to Glory is a must read as it illustrates through 7 authentic stories how each of us has the power to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles through love, grace, wisdom and a strong sense of self. I was hooked from the first page as Harry recounts his journey - one that landed him in a wheelchair after stopping to help a stranded motorist. Carolyn's book triumphantly celebrates our individual choice and power to become the victor instead of the victim when life takes an unexpected turn."
"Carolyn has taught me practical, effective ways that really work to send my requests to Spirit/Divine/Angels and receive answers, and to incorporate this into a busy lifestyle. I'm enjoying having greater clarity, and I feel like I can connect better! I'm noticing my divine guidance more and more."
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